Mint Service Desk 3.1.5

Mint Service Desk 3.1.5

We are pleased to present our new version, Mint Service Desk Enterprise 3.1.5.

We are convinced that our customers will be very satisfied. Certainly, the new features and improvements will help them in their daily operations.


The following list shows all the changes since the last public version 3.1.4. Now you can see what has been added and improved.

Version 3.1.5


- Multiple status types simultaneously for a single request.

- Conditional fields - Hide functionality behind feature flags.

- Removing equals from email filters.

- Administration panel to configure conditional fields.

- Adding 'particle' library to a subpage with private key.


- The problem with related to.

- Minor frontal problems in Conditional attributes.

- Renaming a notification throws it out of the configuration.

Version 3.1.4  


- Live reaload on ticket list.


- 500 during contractual relations.

- 500 during report creation.

- Incorrect logic in creating a report by an agent.

Version 3.1.3


- Downloading 10 agents when creating a report.

- No autoresponse on Ticket close.

- Unable to write anything after adding an emoticon.

- Companies can see each other's tickets.

Version 3.1.2


- Preparing ExternaIintegration definitions for LDAP and Azure AD synchronization.

- SSO Login for Agents.


- Errors with loading groups for contracts.

- Problem with selected items in ticket details.

- Decreasing the counter of notifications after reading the ticket.

Version 3.1.1


- Adding a user source.

- Default Category Support – continued.


- Too much information during printing.


- Errors when adding data to Relation,

- Cannot create a new LDAP when adding something to Group mapping.

- 500 when missing Assigned agents in Assets.

- Fixing the activity counter on the new sidebar and creating a read activity sort.

- Adding an attachment requires editing extensions.

- CF multichoice does not work when creating an asset.

- Synchronization property when creating LDAP does not save.

- LDAP validation needed.

Version 3.1.0


- Introducing relational attributes between entities in custom fields.

- Adding a logger that shows incoming data from LDAP.

- LDAP - Field Validation.

- Active Directory Mapping Fields to User custom fields and then use it to store data in ticket CF and/or to display user CF in reports and automation.

- Introduction of custom field for SLA.

- Create ticket type <-> service <-> custom fields.

- Custom Field - attachment upload along with defining parameters of such attachment (max size, file types etc.).

- Ticket creation form - modification of form fields visibility.

- Automation module.

- Fields selection in QR Code printing.

- CRON mechanism to trigger actions from automation module.

- Building a new layout for the login page.


- Inactive users after login after AzureAD.

- Error while creating Components and changing its type.

- Avalanche of errors while creating ticket and activating automation.

- Ticket custom fields of attachment type not displaying as required.

- When entering a profile, it throws an error related to the date.

- Shadow in Settings -> General.

- Contract type cannot be renamed.

- Agent with READ permission gets 403 during Internal Note.

- Bug in the asset creation and editing modal.

- When creating an asset, the save button is not displayed.

- Problem with linking SLA to ticket.

- Customer throws 403 in Reports.

- 500 in Tickets -> Custom Fields.

- No save button when editing CF in Assets.

- Wrong company name in Assets.

- Missing child info in service.

- Printing assets to PDF Dictionary values print as giud instead of display value.

- Fixing rc branch 3.1.0.

- Front end issues.

- Status hints.

- No translation in Announcements.

- Wrong preview appearance.

- Bug in pool.

- Error while creating Relationship user in custom fields.

- Problem with "Services" on startup.

- Custom fields shows red subtitles.

- Visibility in Reports.

- Custom fields in users rather than custom fields.

- Unblock write after moving poll or atrubut value – sorting.

- Priorities have no effect on SLA.

- Activities always in English.

- Not evenly in Notifications.

- Spent time, typo.

- Error when creating a new contract.

- Background preview gives wrong result.

- Calendar exclusion does not work.

- Ticket type and Priorities not expanding correctly.

- Item is removed from logs if FF is turned off.

- Unable to click on the logo on a small screen.

- Constant loader after submitting an article.

- Front error default groups.

- Contract type is required when adding a new contract, it cannot be selected in the menu.

- Repair of contract recording.

- Bug while adding columns on ticket list view.

- Save button crashes in General Settings.

- Bug while creating new service.

- Fix display of logo in 'Background preview' tab in admin settings.

- Empty space under filters on the dashboard.

- Ban after account deactivation.

- 500 in Automation.

- MintSD and OpenID authentication.

- 500 when creating a ticket with custom fields.

- 500 and 404 when creating a ticket.

- User can proceed to report creation.

- CF values are cleared.

- Error in Assign a new company user.

- Errors while deleting notification.

- 404 while deleting Attachment.

- Automation - error while calling handler, multiple prop changes.

- Translation change on dahsboard.

- Error 403 in Time tracker.

- 403 when trying to enter automation, facebook, timetracking.

- 400 in Contract Type when entering Dictionary or Regex.

- No logo on login screen.

- Automation - invisible logs in admin panel.

- Bug in asset service migration.

- Forbidden Exception when parsing mail to ticket.

- 500 when adding Pending Reminder.

- 400 when changing login to existing one.

- Dictionaries name too long.

- Front-end error when queue name is too long.

- Problems with automation.

- Error in console when creating an asset without agents and company.

- 400 when creating an asset without Edit asset categories.

- Asset relation moves to wrong place.

- Error while editing API.

- Wrong redirection of new ticket in the absence of sidebar.